POWER OF ATTORNEY To the Department of Harbors and Watercraft,______________ _________and To Whom It May Concern: I,________________________, the undersigned do hereby duly appoint the following named person,_______________________ to act as my attorney in fact, to sign all papers and documents that may be necessary in order to secure [state] registration of or to transfer my interest in the following vessel: Length______________ Vessel No. CF_______________ Builder and Type_______________________Hull No.____________ I further state that I am a citizen of [specify country] , and when not in use this vessel will be kept at ___________ ____________,____________,______________. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the State of _______, and all its officers, agents and employees, from any and all liability arising from issuance of ____________ registration or transfer on such vessel pursuant to this Power of Attorney. Signed ___________________________ Date ___________________________ Subscribing Witness: Name________________ Address_____________ City________________